About Travis

Portrait by Shana Sureck Photography

I’m an Instructional Technologist at Smith College, and a doctoral candidate in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

I see education as the cornerstone of a democratic civil society and I’m committed to fostering equity and inclusion in the classroom. In the past, I have worked at the UMass Amherst Instructional Media Lab, have been Assistant Director at the  UMass Amherst Writing Center, Assistant Director for Writing Across the Curriculum, and also worked as a coordinator for the UMass Junior Year Writing Program.

My research areas include discourse & genre studies, institutional ethnography, digital media, and writing across the curriculum. I have taught courses on composition, writing and rhetoric in social media, and writing center studies, presented my scholarly work at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Computers and Writing, the Council for Writing Program Administrators, and have been a contributing author for GradHacker.


[Photo by Travis Grandy, all rights reserved]